Love | Faith | Hope
나눔은 전파다|감사해 덕분에|네버기브업
YouStar Foundation is a voluntary donation organization that has been steadily growing since 2014 with the goal of "spreading sharing" to make the world shine brightly.
In August 2014, We took our first step in sharing by presenting the "Miracle Concert," a sharing concert with the purpose of helping leukemia patients. We have planned and organized events with sharing themes 1-2 times a year, approaching sharing through practical actions.
Since 2018, We have declared their differentiation as a mental health healing organization and have been carrying out the "Never Give Up" healing campaign under the proposition that "sharing spreads." We consistently hold online and offline healing seminars.
현재 정신건강 힐링을 위한 영상 콘텐츠 제작에 애쓰고 있으며, 다큐멘터리 제작과 함께 OST, BGM 제작을 통한 신개념 SNS 홍보활동으로 그 영역을 넓히고 있습니다. 한미공조 자살방지 캠페인송 프로젝트인 ‘Unfinished Job (언피니시드 잡)’ 시리즈는 ‘part.1 : 감사해 덕분에 (장혜진 & 하동균)’를 시작으로 2023년 6월 현재 ‘part. 6 : 슬픔 속에 그댈 지워야만 해 (김호연)’까지 발표를 끝마쳤습니다.
Shared Goal
The spark of hope emerges from the tiniest places. To the sick, a single comforting person becomes precious. Please be the strength. Please be right by their side.
Shared Vision
When small sparks gather, they create a brighter light, and the power of togetherness gathers such great synergy. Please become a presence that illuminates someone else, rather than just being good at what you do.
Our Story
Just like stars shining every night, days that illuminate someone come together to create a bright future. Live today, dazzlingly. #Nevergiveup
Sponsoring Partners
Through volunteering, donations, and heartfelt support, please join us. We are always waiting.
Email : [email protected]
Contact : (213) 435-6622